Monday, December 16, 2013

Today, Mr.A from the Right Brain Initiative, visited us.  He was working with the students on focusing and what it looks like as a student.  Three students: Addy, Brianna, and Sebastian, were chosen to model focus and concentration while performing a rain dance.  The students enjoy their time with Mr. A, who will be back on Thursday.
We are just about finished with our weather unit.  We made books and did a very fun ice experiment.  The cold weather was perfect for this.  Next, we will be focusing on extreme weather with safety tips on how to survive in these conditions. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our fantastic librarian, Mrs. Upton, surprised us with a guest reader on Tuesday.  He read A Porcupine Named Fluffy.  I loved it when Kennedy interrupted him to say, "I really wanted to thank-you for what you did to my room last year."  It must have been great!